The Beagle
A hound
The Beagle belongs to the group of the hounds. Hounds are hunting dogs that pursue a trail across the field. They usually live and hunt in groups and therefore are very sociable dogs. The Beagle is mainly used for hunting the hare.

Precisely its origin as a pack hunting dog makes that many Beagles do not stand being left alone in the house.
Another problem with Beagles living like pets is that they have an amazing nose, a necessary requirement for its use in hunting. They are so interested in smells that they easily become fully obsessed with smelling smells, they forget everything else and continually get lost. Many Beagles just can not walk loose.
To try to prevent that your Beagle becomes disinterested in you you should exercise his atention for you from very young age since it is necessary you become the most interesting thing in the world while at the same time you must prevent that he develops his interest in smells.
Apart from that, many Beagles are a dominant and independent.
The combination of these traits with an adorable look often causes the owners to completely ignore what goes on inside its head and treat their puppy as if it were the prettiest and most adorable creature in the world, becoming overly permissive. Acting this way you will not be able to achieve to be taken seriously by your little one and end up being a desperate owner because you can not let your dog run loose because he has been turned into a disobedient dog that is totally oblivious to the fact that he has someone claiming to be its owner.
Maybe I paint a not very hopeful picture that does not apply to all Beagles but generally speaking it can be said than the typical Beagle is not a very suitable for living a quiet life as a pet dog.
The education and training of a Beagle is usually complicated, simply because they are as they are, dogs bred for running trails and chasing cross country, between one hunt and another hunt living in a pretty big pack. They are very specialized dogs.
However, it is not impossible to convert a Beagle in a more than acceptable companion dog. Being successful or not depends in part on the skills of the owner and partly on the individual dog. Some Beagles are more fit and others simply do not serve for the life that awaits them as a companion dog. If you want to make sure you are going to have a dog that's easy and convenient to keep I advise you not to choose this breed.
However, if you already have one and have no problems with it I congratulate you because you have a super dog.
In case you do have problems with your Beagle I recommend you seek the help of a good professional to help you to carry out a process of rigid and serious rehabilitation.
For more information, visit the website of the Spanish Beagle Club,
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